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Different Bodies, Different Diets: Introducing the Revolutionary 25 Body Type System

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Carolyn Mein, D.C. helps you discover your precise body type and learn exactly what foods you should be eating, when you should be eating them, and how to look and feel your best.

Everyone knows that following the right diet is essential to good health, but which diet? Most people go through a process of trial and error, meaning they try one diet after another and ultimately go back to the diet they were raised on as children. Unfortunately they often don't know what is really right for their particular body, and eventually discover that what has worked so well for someone else has done little for them. Sound familiar?

Based on twenty years of experience with thousands of patients, Dr. Carolyn Mein has developed the Body Type system, which finally makes sense of all dietary and nutritional questions. Now available as a paperback, it divides people into 25 different body types, rather than the previously believed three or four. Identifying your particular body type can open doors to health and well-being, self-awareness, personal empowerment, and, of course, optimal weight. 

"Losing weight is as easy as finding your body type," asserts Carolyn Mein on the cover of her coffee-table-size diet book. Based on 20 years of research as an applied kinesiologist and bionutritionist, Mein concludes that each human is born with a dominant gland, organ, or system that corresponds to one of 25 specific body types. She also believes each body type manifests itself in unique physical characteristics and psychological traits. Here, Mein attempts to help readers identify their own body type, understand its specific needs (according to her empirical research), and implement a diet tailored to meeting those needs.

Opening and scanning the book proves great fun, especially for those who love delving into parallel studies like astrology or numerology. Trouble is, the task of accurately identifying a body type is easier said than done. As readers peruse hundreds of black-and-white photos of scantily clad adult bodies, "unique" doesn't always look so unique--even with help from the corresponding personality profiles. So, while Mein earnestly strives to offer a solution to the one-diet-fits-all myth, her own theory begs the question: Are we all so predictable and categorical? The flip side, of course, is that anyone who finds a perfect match of physical and psychological traits (for instance, an "Adrenal Female" who has a solid boyish figure, thrives on excitement, is competitive and ever in charge) will receive very specific marching orders from Dr. Mein. To each body type, she dedicates about six pages of notes, including a lengthy personality profile, guidelines for dietary intake, healthy and unhealthy foods, ideal meal scheduling, and a sample one-week menu. --Liane Thomas

Product Information   Specifications for Different Bodies, Different Diets: Introducing the Revolutionary 25 Body Type System Below:

Manufacturer Harper Paperbacks
Item Weight 1.52 pounds
Item Size 0.59 x 10.88 x 10.88 inches
Package Weight 1.49 pounds
Package Size 8.48 x 0.63 x 0.63 inches

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