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Liver Cleansing Diet : The 10-Day Natural Liver Detox Program

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Why do we need a Liver Cleansing Diet? Our body is constantly bombarded with toxins. they're in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breath...they're everywhere: - alcohol - caffeine - medications - pesticides or other chemicals used to grow or prepare food - smog or other substances in the air - substances such as artificial sweeteners added to food - sugar - impure water This is where our liver gets down to work. It filters the toxins that penetrate our body, preventing them from damaging us. The problem is - can our liver continue to filer toxins forever? The answer is - No, it can't. We need to detoxify our liver so it can keep working well and protect us! Just like you replace the filters in your car, you need a detox diet for your liver. And, this book will teach you exactly how to do effective liver cleansing that will make sure your liver is "running smoothly"! Use the clear program in this book and after just a few days you'll experience: - More energy and vitality - A feeling of "Clarity" that comes from a detoxified system - Lose weight more easily - Know your liver is clean and strong, ready to do it's job!

Product Information   Specifications for Liver Cleansing Diet : The 10-Day Natural Liver Detox Program Below:

Manufacturer CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Item Weight 0.19 pounds
Item Size 0.13 x 9 x 9 inches
Package Weight 0.29 pounds
Package Size 6 x 0.13 x 0.13 inches

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